Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Day 17.  315 miles as we pushed on to Durango as we had plenty on riding time left.  37° to 73°.  Perfect riding weather to cross the 4 corners area of our country.

First stop was the Butler Wash Ruins.  An Anasazi Indian cliff dwelling.  A half mile walk among brush and then a walk across slickrock marked with cairns.  At the observation fence the ruins were easy to see across the canyon.

We then continued on to UT 261 and Moki Dugway.  Before getting there we went out to Muley Point on a 5 mile hard pack road.  Had it been damp, no way on two wheels.  Moderate challenge.  Oh what a view.  Worth the ride if you are up to it.

Both of the above stops were recommended by my nephew – Blake Elliott.  So glad he did tell me about them.

The rest of the day was just riding and looking at the views.  We were going to stay in Cortez, but we had time to kill, and pushed on to Durango.  This gives us time tomorrow to stop and see the many sights from here to Delta, via Gateway.

Butler Wash Ruins and trail

Cairns or route marking stones

UT 261

Muley Point - WOW

Moki Dugway turn out.


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