Saturday, September 26, 2020


Day 14.  Only 124 miles as we took the park shuttle into Zion NP.  Mid 50’s to low 80’s.  Nice day to see the park.

Kevin MADE me do some hikes.  The Emerald Pools which was a little over 2 miles of good trail and stair climbs.  Kevin walked the River trail to its end, I walked as far as I wanted after thinking if I wanted to or not.  I stopped and waited for his return.  We then got back on the shuttle and road it to the start.

Got motorcycle approved clothing back on and rode HWY 9 on the Zion to Mt Carmel highway.  Really congested at the beginning.  Only letting one lane of traffic through the tunnel at a time.  We had to wait for 2 groups of cars before we got to go enter the tunnel.  Painful speeds for several miles.  Once we dusted a newer Corvette that could barely do the 30mph speed limit, but slowed to 20 for the posted 20 curves.  He had to go bye bye.  Things picked up and we landed in Bryce Canyon City for the night.

Following are on the Emerald Pool Trail

By looking at what they are eating explains the skinny doe.

The Riverwalk Trail

Zion - Mt Carmel tunnel

Window while in the tunnel to see out of.  

Heading towards Bryce Canyon on UT 12

Old Kevin took the desk.  Young Kevin improvised.


At September 26, 2020 at 6:38 PM , Blogger Kevin Q said...

Yep, I "made" him do the hiking. haha


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