Friday, September 25, 2020


Day 13 – 34° to 104° swing.  Today was a travel day.  Get from point A to Point B.  436 Miles.  We took highway 168 in CA.  It is well worth riding.  Turn after turn in a nice hilly, canyon road.  Once again, we were all alone on these roads.  We connected up to 266 into Nevada.  Then US 95 to Las Vegas and a north bypass to I 15.  I 15 to St. George for the night.  I 15 in Arizona is one of the best interstate runs I have ridden.  WOW.

As you can see in the pictures, smoke was evident at the beginning, got lighter as we headed east.  Not gone, but not horrible either.

On an OH SHUCKS moment, I set my bike on its side in Gold Point, NV.  Unlevel ground and the side stand got bumped as I backed it up to get it more level.  They get real heavy, real quick.  Nothing broke, but the left mirror cover will not buff out.


At September 28, 2020 at 3:17 PM , Blogger Jim said...

What no pictures of your bike taking a nap.


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