Sunday, September 27, 2020


Day 15. 237 miles of fun roads.  48° to 80°.

Started out seeing Bryce Canyon.  Spent close to 3 hours pulling off, looking, and taking pictures at the turnouts.  We got in early enough to pick and choose our parking spots.  We should have hit every stop on the way in, but thought to get the left turn ones on the way out.  Bad choice as they were pretty full from later arrivers who must have made those their first stop.  No biggie as we saw a lot of the rock formations at the higher elevations.

Then through the Grand Staircase – Escalante on Highway 12.  It is a  must ride road if you are in the area.

Took Burr Trail off of 12 just south of Boulder.  The first 10 miles you travel along some nice rock formation.  After making a hairpin turn you will drive 7 miles in the bottom of a narrow red walled canyon.  Worth the side trip.  Good blacktop, not great, but good.  It is an out and back route as it turns to gravel past the canyon.

Between Boulder and Highway 24 we were in the Dixie forest.  Aspen groves in fall colors.  Was not expecting to see this kind of scenery.

Last we drove through Capitol Reef NP.  We did not stop as the get done was stronger than seeing more red rocks.  I am sure we missed something that was pretty, but we saw a lot of that today.

UT 12

The following are Burr Trail Road

Dixie Nat Forrest

Capitol Reef NP

UT 24


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