Monday, September 28, 2020


Day 16.  48° to 70° and we are in Moab, UT.  Never been here with it that cold.  The sun is still HOT.  207 miles as we looped through Arches NP and stopped at a few photo op points while in the park.  The park was the busiest one we have been to.  Kevin saw a sign as we were leaving that the park was full.  I assume as 1 car would leave, another could enter as cars were still coming in.

After leaving we went to a Petroglyphs wall 5 miles on UT 279 off of 191.  They are right next to the highway about 20 feet off of the level of the highway.  Just before this was a rock climbing section that was being used by several groups.  Nope, no way.

All is going well, so far.  Even met an ST-Owners member Old Gold in Arches.  He was in a cage and came up to us asking if we were members.   He use to live near Casey, IL.


The pictures are in reverse order. ????


Arches NP

Pinetree Arch

Tunnel Arch

Delicate Arch

Turret Arch

North Window

Double Arch

Lion Rock

Along the Colorado river on UT 128

UT 24

Early start


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